Thursday, 7 October 2010

Quantitative or Qualitative Research

For my music magazine, I can research what my audience wants to see through either quantitative research or qualitative research.

The first method of research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is done through the use of interviews and case studies. An advantage of this method is that you get more detailed results to the research and it is of a high quality because of the amount of detail which is involved. A downside to qualitative research is that it is expensive to do, and there is not a high number of people questioned, like there is in quantitative research methods.

The second method of research is quantitative research. Quantitative research is done through questionnaires, surveys, statistics, and counts of circulation. An advantage of quantitative research when compared to qualitative research is that more people are questioned and it is cheaper to do. The disadvantage of quantitative research is that it is less detailed when compared to qualitative research, which means that sometimes the results can sometimes be vague.

For my music magazine I am going to research through qualitative research because I want my results to be more detailed, which can not be achieved through quantitative research.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010


As part of my AS Media coursework, I have been asked to create a front cover for a music magazine, as well as a contents page, and a double page spread. Although before I do these, I will first create a front page, a contents page and a double page spread for a college magazine - as a prelim to the music magazine pages. This blogs track the creation of these magazines, and will show all of my research.

Research and Planning
  • Introduction to brief
  • Genre
  • Analyse 2 music front covers
  • Analyse 2 contents page
  • Analyse 2 double page spreads
  • 1 Analysis of a college magazine
  • 1 College magazine front cover
  • 1 College contents mock-up
  • Justification of your choices
  • Mood Board
  • Production Schedule (Time MGT)
  • Venue Release Forms
  • Risk Assessments
  • Front page mock-up
  • Contents mock-up
  • Double page spread mock-up
  • Photoshop practices
  • Mock shots